Carol Peterson
The author of the wonderfully researched house histories that make this entire online resource possible for Allegheny West is Carol Peterson. Carol lived in Allegheny West before moving to Lawrenceville but her detailed accounts of buildings’ past lives range across most of Pittsburgh’s many neighborhoods. Carol (and her clients, our neighbors) have graciously allowed for the house histories you see online here to be the basis for our online neighborhood history.
To learn more about Carol and her work, a great place to start is the WQED/Rick Sebak special, 25 Things I Like About Pittsburgh, where Carol’s histories come in at #19.
Carol passed away in December of 2017, leaving behind more than 2,000 researched house histories – and an indelible mark on the city of Pittsburgh’s understanding of itself. She will be missed by those that knew her personally and those that only met her through her work.