Allegheny West Civic Council

Photo by Christopher Bailey
About the Civic Council
The Allegheny West Civic Council was incorporated in 1971 to:
- coordinate neighborhood services and eliminate duplicate or unnecessary activities
- identify and make every effort to meet unmet needs;
- promote public understanding of our needs and resources;
- serve as a channel for the members to express our thoughts and needs to the larger communities of city, state & nation and serve as an access channel to the people of the neighborhood for other institutions;
- receive and administer funds exclusively for scientific, education and charitable purposes;
- improve the economic and social climate of the community by publicizing our needs and goals and assuring that vital services, programs and resources are made available to the community.
Take Part
Any resident, property owner, business owner or organization is eligible to become a voting member in the Civic Council. More information about membership can be found here.
Membership meetings, held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm at Calvary United Methodist Church, are open to the public. If you’d like to be added to the monthly agenda, please contact the AWCC president.
If you’d like to contribute your skills or have a great idea for an event or other activity you can find out more about volunteering here.
Connect with AWCC
To stay informed of the latest happenings and upcoming events in Allegheny West sign up for our email announcements and never miss a mixer or meeting!
Every house in the neighborhood receives a copy of the monthly Gazette, which are archived on the site. If you’re not receiving your copy or would like to send a story to be included in next month’s gazette send a note to our editor.