Saturday, January 24, 2015
10:00 am ‑ 11:30 am

Skilled restoration painting for your old house is all about the details. The texture and finish of the job is dependent on varying and important factors like appropriate color selection and fine painting craftsmanship.

About the presenter: Lucas Markantone of Lucas Markantone Painting is the second-generation proprietor of a family-owned business with more than 55 years of experience in painting houses and commercial properties.

This workshop is free to PHLF Members. Click here for more information about PHLF membership and please join! Non-members: $5

RSVPs are appreciated. Contact:

[ebor_button url=”tel:4124715808″ style=”pumpkin” target=”_self”] Mary Lu Denny – (412) 471-5808 x 527 [/ebor_button]