Saturday, January 17, 2015
10:00 am – 11:30 am

Landmarks Preservation Resource Center
744 Rebecca Avenue, Wilkinsburg, PA 15221

Maintaining an old or historic house can sometimes be overwhelming, especially if it has been put off for a while. Come learn how to determine urgent needs and what can wait, when to hire a contractor, and when to Do-it-Yourself.  Learn how to create a maintenance schedule to keep your property on track and reduce maintenance costs.

About the presenter: Regis Will is a woodworker, craftsman, and owner of Vesta Home Services, a consulting firm on house restoration and Do-it-Yourself projects. He blogs about his work at The New Yinzer Workshop.

This workshop is free to PHLF Members. Click here for more information about PHLF membership and please join!  Non-members: $5

RSVPs are appreciated. Contact:

[ebor_button url=”tel:4124715808″ style=”pumpkin” target=”_self”] Mary Lu Denny – (412) 471-5808 x 527 [/ebor_button]