We are holding a planning meeting on Wednesday, May 18th at 7:00 pm at Carrie
Doyle’s (950 Beech Avenue) and kindly request that you make every effort to
attend. If you are a homeowner, volunteers, cook or want-to-be participant in any way, please attend the meeting.
Thank you to the following homeowners whose homes and gardens are scheduled
to be on tour:
John DeSantis – Brighton Road
Bob and Carole Malakoff – Brighton Road
Mitchell Schwartz and Elaine Stone – 800 block W North Avenue
Trish and John Burton – 900 block Beech Avenue
Ross Catalano – 800 block Western Avenue
Carol Gomrick and Brett Kempf – 900 block W North Avenue
Eric Van Buren and Drew Gorenz – 800 block Beech Avenue
Thanks again for your generosity! See you on May 18th, 7:00 pm at 950 Beech Avenue.
Contact Carrie Doyle: (412) 337-6020 or cadpgh@gmail.com