We’re grateful to all neighbors who help keep Allegheny West neat, tidy and—now that we’ve begun planting—beautiful! A few special shout-outs:

Dr. Dan Strinkoski deserves huge applause for his daily sweeping and delittering. Dr. Dan also has been attacking the alleys and keeping the ever-elusive street sweeping machine as much on track as possible.

My Parklet team has worked many hours on what seemed like the hottest days of spring to weed, transplant perennials, buy and plant annuals and then spread about 40 bags of mulch at the corner of  Brighton and Western Please thank Holly Pultz, Sally Graubarth, Nonie Knaus, Penny Martin, and Bonnie Fordenbacher when you see them (and consider joining us. Beers at the Modern are part of the gig!))

Frank and Sue Remcheck continue to pick up litter around the park along West Ohio Street, and so  much of the fast-food detritus along Allegheny Avenue down to the T Station. Thanks for continuing to make that effort!

Finally, our hanging baskets on Western will be hung soon. Please thank (& patronize) our sponsors this year.


Allegheny City Realty
Allegheny Sandwich
BIRGO Realty
Burton Family
Eugene Beck Co.
Gilligan’s Sorbet
Giorgio’s Place
A Good Neighbor
H Gallery
Helmreich Family
William Hodgdon (in memory of)
Knaus Family
LeClaire, Griewahn

Mistick Family
Modern Cafe
Donna Otto (in memory of)
Parador Inn
Pittsburgh Home & Garden
Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy
Q Development
Refucilo Winery
Robert Family
Patricia Rooney (in memory of)
R. Ashley Webb/Wealth Mngt Partners
Zoufalik Family