First Annual Film Festival
Sabira Cole Film Festival
Five Nights!
Starting Thursday, November 5
Every Evening Begins at 6:00 pm
The 1st annual Sabira Cole Film Festival brings Pittsburgh a curated collection of independent cinema from or about the African Diaspora. This year’s festival brings not just dynamic features and short films but also live events with filmmakers and local organizations. This festival was born from our longtime partnership with the Sembene Film Festival and honors the legacy of it’s leader, Sabira Cole”
Thursday, November 5
“Local Legacies”
Give Him Sky
There is power in place, there is power in a home. The films for Local Legacies are about how places shape the lives of the people who live there and how the people have the power to shape their environment. Learn more about Give Him Sky.
6:00 PM Leo’s Legacy
6:48 PM Pittsburgh’s Underground Railroad (Short Film)
7:13 PM Woogie (Short Film)
7:20 PM Give Him Sky