If you pay your dues annually or are a new member now is a good time to pay your AWCC membership dues for 2025!

Annual Membership: $5
Lifetime Membership: $50

You can find out about the different types of membership, check your eligibility to join, and pay your dues here: https://alleghenywest.org/get-involved/allegheny-west-civic-council/becoming-a-member/

Go to the bottom of the page for the PayPal link. If you are a returning member you do not have to fill out the form. You can also pay by cash, check or PayPal/Venmo during the Membership meetings or drop off cash/check at 851 Beech Avenue. (Please include an envelope with your name/address/phone if you’re paying cash!)

Members must be current on  membership dues to be eligible to vote during Membership meetings. New members who pay before or at the December 10, 2024 meeting will be eligible to vote at the January 2025 meeting. If you are currently a member, paying your dues now will extend your membership and voting eligibility through December 2025.

Please email Cathy at treasurer@alleghenywest.org to check the status of your current membership.

We’re happy to have you join us!