Street Sweeping Friday Morning
The City street sweeper will be around Friday morning. Please move cars so he can do his job.
Street Closings on Friday and Saturday
We will have over 1600 visitors in Allegheny West for The Old Allegheny Victorian Christmas House Tour. Our visitors will be walking the streets and alleys of our neighborhood. For the safety of everyone, the following streets will be closed to traffic and parking from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm on Friday, 12/12, and from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm on Saturday, 12/13:
- Beech Avenue, from Allegheny to Brighton Road
- North Lincoln Avenue, from Galveston to Brighton Road
- Galveston Avenue, from Buttercup Way to Dounton Way
- Rope Way, from Buttercup Way to Chapel Way
Off-street parking will be available in The Babb Co. lot on the corner of Galveston and North Lincoln Avenue (enter from Chapel Way), the CCAC lot on Ridge Avenue (across from the ramp to the Fort Duquesne Bridge), and the Smart Solutions lot (on the north side of the 800 block of West North Avenue)
Your cooperation is appreciated. Please move your car off the street during this event.