Sous La Peau
Wednesday, May 26
7:00 pm
Join us for the regional premier and unreleased screening of Sous La Peau, a film by Robin Harsch hosted by ReelQ. This program includes an exclusive interview with the director and some of the documentary’s subjects.
“If my son ever told me he’d like to change his sex, I think that the ground would collapse under my feet. Understanding it could save me. But how? For 2 years, I followed 3 trans teenagers going through this battlefield where clashes gender, and essentially, identity issues.” – Robin Harsch
Film synopsis: A film about the transition of three trans teenagers, the upheaval it causes in them and their loved ones, as well as the quest for identity buried deep within them.
ReelQ: Pittsburgh’s International LGBTQ Film Festival
The Pittsburgh Lesbian and Gay Film Society serves the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities in Pittsburgh and the surrounding tri-state region. In addition, PLGFS provides a crucial service to the cultural vitality of Pittsburgh, designed to support lesbian and gay artists, and to provide a much-needed cultural outlet for the lesbian and gay communities in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas.