843 Beech Avenue

843 Beech Avenue is a three story brick and stone house occupying a 70’6″ wide by 137’4.5″ deep lot located in the Allegheny West section of the city of Pittsburgh.
843 Beech Avenue was built by Jacob F. Diffenbacher, publisher of the Pittsburgh city directory, in 1892 or 1893. Jacob Diffenbacher lived at 843 Beech Avenue until his death in 1898, and his wife Susan lived at 843 Beech Avenue until she sold the house in 1903.
Detailed information on the ownership history, age, and first owner of 843 Beech Avenue follows.
December 18, 1879
Partition of the Estate of Elizabeth F. Denny, deceased. Robert McKnight, Esquire, and Rev. William M. Paxton, executors of the last will and testament of Elizabeth F. Denny, late of the city of Pittsburgh, to Mary O’Hara Spring, daughter of Elizabeth F. Denny, Margaret S. Denny, widow, and Henry S. Denny, James O’Hara Denny and Francis H. Denny, children of James O’Hara Denny, deceased, a son of Elizabeth F. Denny, Nancy Denny, widow, and Harmar D. Denny, Elizabeth (called Betty) Denny, and William Denny, children of William Croghan Denny, deceased, a son of Elizabeth F. Denny (St. Clair Denny, another son of William Croghan Denny, having died intestate and without issue before the death of Elizabeth F. Denny), Elizabeth O’Hara McKnight, daughter of Elizabeth F. Denny, Caroline Sophia Paxton, daughter of Elizabeth F. Denny, Amelia Melusina Brereton, daughter of Elizabeth F. Denny, Matilda Wilkins Denny, daughter of Elizabeth F. Denny, and Harmar Denny, son of Elizabeth F. Denny. This 65-page deed conveyed to Elizabeth F. Denny’s heirs many pieces of property in areas now known as Allegheny West, Manchester, Lower Lawrenceville, Polish Hill, the Hill District, the Strip District, Harmar Township and Downtown Pittsburgh.
(Deed Book Volume 401, Page 110)
March 11, 1890
Harmar D. and Elizabeth B. Denny of the city of Pittsburgh to J.F. Diffenbacher of the borough of Ben Avon, $5,625. This deed conveyed a 22’6″ wide by 137’4.5″ deep lot on the southern side of Beech Avenue, 176’9.75″ east of Grant Avenue (now Galveston Avenue) in the Second Ward of the city of Allegheny. The lot was known as part of Lot 28 in Block 1 in the Denny Estate Plan of Property, recorded in Plan Book Volume 6, Pages 193 and 194. This deed was later re-recorded in DBV 1308, P 154.
(DBV 719 P 39)
March 11, 1890
Charles W. and Elizabeth F. Sargent of Boston, Massachusetts to J.F. Diffenbacher of the city of Allegheny, $250. This deed conveyed a 1′ wide by 137’4.5″ deep lot on the southern side of Beech Avenue, 199’3.75″ east of Grant Avenue. The lot was known as part of Lot 27 in Block 1 in the Denny Estate Plan of Property.
(DBV 797 P 373)
July 11, 1892
J.F. and Susan E. Diffenbacher of Ben Avon to John C. Leitch of the city of Allegheny, $6,500. This deed conveyed a 23’6″ wide lot known as part of Lots 27 and 28.
(DBV 797 P 374)
July 12, 1892
John C. and Ida Leitch of the city of Allegheny to Susan E. Diffenbacher of the borough of Ben Avon, $6500. This deed conveyed a 23’6″ wide lot known as part of Lots 27 and 28.
(DBV 804, P 265)
May 1, 1893
Mary O’Hara Spring of the city of Pittsburgh, Amelia M. Brereton of Yonkers, New York, Reverend Harmar Denny of New York, New York to Elizabeth F. Sargent of Boston, Massachusetts, $1. This deed conveyed a 47′ wide by 137’4.5″ deep lot on the southern side of Beech Avenue, 239′ west of Ash Alley (now Rope Way) in the Second Ward of the city of Allegheny. The Lot was known as Lots 29 and 30 in Block 1 of the Denny Estate Plan of Property.
(DBV 911 P 508)
October 28, 1903
Susan E. Diffenbacher, widow, of the city of Allegheny to William McGee of Glenfield, Allegheny County, $14,500. This deed conveyed a 23’6″ wide lot identified as all of Lot 28. All subsequent deeds conveying this lot identified it as all of Lot 28.
(DBV 1293 P 284)
April 11, 1904
William McGee of the city of Allegheny to Mary Ann McGee and Emma McGee of the city of Allegheny, $1. This deed conveyed Lot 28.
(DBV 1325 P 337)
December 16, 1908
Mary Ann McGee, unmarried, of the Northside, city of Pittsburgh, to Emma McGee of the Northside, city of Pittsburgh, $1. This deed conveyed the one half interest of Mary Ann McGee in Lot 28 to Emma McGee.
(DBV 1731 P 488)
July 7, 1909
Emma McGee, unmarried, to Margaret Good, unmarried, $10. This deed conveyed Lot 28.
(DBV 1925 P 128)
February 21, 1916
Elizabeth F.D. and Addis M. Whitney of Boston, Massachusetts to John Fogarty of the city of Pittsburgh, $5000. This deed conveyed Lots 29 and 30.
(DBV 1849, P 225)
April 20, 1928
John A. and Margaret Good Fogarty of the city of Pittsburgh to Rachel A. Good, unmarried, of the city of Pittsburgh, $1 and other valuable considerations. This deed conveyed Lot 28.
(DBV 2361 P 222)
April 20, 1928
Rachel A. Good, unmarried, of the city of Pittsburgh to John A. and Margaret Good Fogarty of the city of Pittsburgh, $1 and other valuable considerations. This deed conveyed Lot 28.
(DBV 2361 P 225)
April 20, 1928
ohn A. and Margaret Good Fogarty of the city of Pittsburgh to Rachel A. Good, unmarried, of the city of Pittsburgh, $1 and other valuable considerations. This deed conveyed Lots 29 and 30.
(DBV 2361 P 224)
April 20, 1928
Rachel A. Good, unmarried, of the city of Pittsburgh to John A. and Margaret Good Fogarty of the city of Pittsburgh, $1 and other valuable considerations. This deed conveyed Lots 29 and 30.
(DBV 2361 P 226)
September 15, 1942
Margaret Good Fogarty, widow, of the city of Pittsburgh to the Sisters of Mercy, a corporation located in the city of Pittsburgh, $1. John A. Fogarty had died on December 22, 1929. This deed conveyed Lots 28, 29 and 30.
(DBV 2735 P 541)
June 22, 1949
The Sisters of Mercy, a corporation located in the city of Pittsburgh, to Abbott Sales and Service, Inc., a corporation located in the city of Pittsburgh, $9,000. This deed conveyed Lots 28, 29 and 30.
(DBV 3052 P 198)
August 6, 1949
Abbott Sales and Service, Inc., a corporation located in the city of Pittsburgh, to Nettie D. Lewis of the city of Pittsburgh, $1 and other valuable considerations. This deed conveyed Lot 28.
(DBV 3058 P 632)
July 2, 1956
Abbott Sales and Service, Inc., a corporation located in the city of Pittsburgh, to Nettie D. Lewis of the city of Pittsburgh, $5000. This deed conveyed Lots 29 and 30.
(DBV 3643 P 625)
January 24, 1974
Nettie D. Lewis, widow, of the city of Pittsburgh to Anne Lewis Grosso, in consideration of natural love and affection. This deed was a conveyance from mother to daughter. This deed and all subsequent deeds conveyed Lots 28, 29 and 30.
(DBV 4670 P 748)
April 14, 1975
Anne Lewis Grosso, widow, of the city of Pittsburgh to Barbara A. Templeton and Robert M. Beck of the city of Pittsburgh, $16,000.
(DBV 5469 P 37)
April 18, 1977
Barbara A. and R.K. Templeton of the city of Pittsburgh and Robert M. Beck, unmarried, of New York, New York, to John R. Polyak, single, of the borough of Sewickley, $32,000.
(DBV 5761 P 91)
November 7, 1977
John R. Polyak, single, of Allegheny County to Stephen D. McWhorter of Allegheny County, $42,000.
(DBV 5863 P 759)
March 29, 1979
Stephen D. McWhorter of the state of California to Robert C. Knaus of Allegheny County, $68,500
(DBV 6086, P 119)
March 14, 1988
Philip W. Thomas of Allegheny County conveyed 840 North Lincoln Avenue to Michael R. Bozzone of Allegheny County for $38,000.
(DBV 7744 P 471)
September 22, 1999
Michael R. and Natalie M. Bozzone conveyed 840 North Lincoln Avenue to John Bartholomew Holt for $133,000.
(DBV 10590 P 584)
December 28, 2004
John Bartholomew Holt conveyed 840 North Lincoln Avenue to Cory D. and Kari J. Resler for $209,900.
(DBV 12315 P 339)
June 8, 2007
Douglas Debelak and Debra E. Kelly purchased 840 North Lincoln Avenue from Cory D. and Kari J. Resler on June 8, 2007.
(DBV 13270 P 573)
Age of the House
Available information indicates that Jacob F. Diffenbacher had 843 Beech Avenue built in 1892 or 1893, after buying a 22’6″ wide lot on Beech Avenue from members of the Denny family.
The March 1890 sale of a 22’6″ wide by 137’4.5″ deep lot for $5,625, at $1.82 per square foot, was comparable to other sales of undeveloped lots in Allegheny West and Manchester during the 1880’s and 1890’s and indicates that 843 Beech Avenue had not yet been built. The July 1892 sale of the 22’6″ wide lot and adjacent 1′ wide lot for $6500, at $2.01 per square foot, also indicates the house had not been built. Subsequently, the 1894 Pittsburgh city directory listed Jacob F. Diffenbacher at 78 Beech Avenue for the first time.
City of Allegheny building permit dockets, available beginning in 1894, contain no record of issuance of a permit to Jacob F. Diffenbacher for construction of a house on Beech Avenue.
Allegheny County mortgage records show that on March 11, 1890, Jacob F. Diffenbacher borrowed $3500 from Harmar D. Denny against the 22’6″ wide lot on Beech Avenue that Diffenbacher bought from Denny the same day. Allegheny County mortgage records contain no record of any loan to Diffenbacher for construction of 843 Beech Avenue.
Ida Leitch, who with her husband John participated in a transaction that placed 843 Beech Avenue in Susan Diffenbacher’s name in 1892, was a daughter of Jacob F. and Susan Diffenbacher.
The Home Today
Through the Years
The Diffenbachers
Pittsburgh city directories and U.S. census records provide information on Jacob F. Diffenbacher, who published the Pittsburgh city directory from the late 1870’s until his death in 1898, and his wife Susan.
Other Early Occupants
The 1910 manuscript census reported that a family headed by Mary McGee lived at 843 Beech Avenue. Mary McGee, 74, had been born in Pennsylvania and was of Irish descent. The census recorded her occupation as “own income.” She was able to read and write, and owned her home fully.
Living with Mary McGee were her sister Emma, her nieces Rachel A. Good and Margaret Good, a lodger, James B. Jordan, and a servant, Cecelia Pottgiesen.
Emma McGee, 53, was single and had been born in Pennsylvania. Her occupation was also given as “own income.” Rachel A. Good, 41, and Margaret Good, 39, were both single and had no occupation. Both had been born in Pennsylvania.
James B. Jordan, 30, had been born in Ireland and immigrated to the United States in 1880. Jordan was single and attended school.
Cecelia Pottgiesen, 26, had been born in Pennsylvania to parents also born in Pennsylvania. The census indicated that she had not been unemployed during the previous year.
The 1910 manuscript census also reported that all residents of 843 Beech Avenue were able to read and write.
Supplementary Material
The following materials accompany this report:
- a copy of an 1872 plat map of part of Allegheny West, including Beech Avenue
- a copy of a 1910 plat map of part of Allegheny West, including Beech Avenue
- a copy of the title page of the 1894 Pittsburgh city directory, showing Jacob Diffenbacher as publisher of the directory
- the obituary of Jacob Diffenbacher, from the April 2, 1898 Pittsburgh Press
- an article featuring the home as part of the 1982 Christmas tour in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
- an article featuring the home as part of the 1988 Christmas tour in the Pittsburgh Press
By Street
- 842 Beech Avenue
- 843 Beech Avenue
- 849 Beech Avenue
- 851 Beech Avenue
- 858 Beech Avenue
- 908 Beech Avenue
- 912 Beech Avenue
- 935 Beech Avenue
- 948-950 Beech Avenue
- 705 Brighton Road
- 709 Brighton Road
- 719 Brighton Road
- 913 Brighton Road
- 812 Galveston Avenue
- 912 Galveston Avenue
- 835 N Lincoln Avenue
- 838 N Lincoln Avenue
- 840 N Lincoln Avenue
- 841 N Lincoln Avenue
- 842 N Lincoln Avenue
- 844 N Lincoln Avenue
- 845 N Lincoln Avenue
- 849 N Lincoln Avenue
- 852 N Lincoln Avenue
- 940 W North Avenue
- 836 Western Avenue
- 843 Western Avenue
- 939 Western Avenue
- 942 Western Avenue
- 944 Western Avenue
- 946 Western Avenue
By Owner
- The Alexanders
- The Bells
- The Biancos
- The Butzes
- The Childlses
- Josephine Dale
- The Darlingtons (Harry)
- The Darlingtons (Henry)
- The Diffenbachers
- The Elliotts
- The Fraziers
- The Gerlachs
- The Gibsons
- The Grahams
- The Grays
- The Hamiltons
- The Hoffstots
- The Holmeses (Charles)
- The Holmeses (Letitia)
- The Joneses
- The Kaufmanns
- The Klees
- Max Klein
- The Knoxes
- The Lyonses
- The McKelvys
- The Milligans
- The Nevins
- The Prices
- The Rhodeses
- The Rosenbachs
- The Scullys
- The Siebenecks
- The Singers
- The Sweitzers
- The Teufels
- The Torrances
- The Trauermans
- The Watsons
- The Weihls
- The Willocks