From the Office of Community Health & Safety:
This Thursday (10/21), from 11-1, we would like to invite you to a discussion with partners from the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) National Support Bureau along with Pittsburgh Police from Zone 1, Diversion Coordinators from the City’s new Office of Community Health & Safety, and case management partners about substance use, mental health, and criminal-legal involvement for people in the Northside as we are developing citywide diversion programs.We will be meeting at Nova Place at 11am, providing a bagged lunch, sharing ideas until 12, and then walking around the community until 1pm.We recognize that this is short notice, but we would love if you could join us and would appreciate if you would share this opportunity with those who are part of your community groups. I will send the invitation to all of you – please forward to your connections. We ask that recipients respond yes/no so that we can make sure we have enough for everyone to eat.
Laura Drogowski
Office of Community Health & Safety
414 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219