Neighbor of the Year Nominations Are Now Open!

The Northside Leadership Conference Annual Dinner and Awards ceremony will be taking place in early June so now is the time to nominate one of your hard working neighbor volunteers for the Neighbor of the Year award.

Each member neighborhood in the Conference nominates one person to be their Neighbor of the Year and that person is recognized at the annual dinner. This person goes above and beyond in their volunteer service to the neighborhood. (If you didn’t know, the Allegheny West Civic Council has no paid employees. All of the work done by the Civic Council is done by hard working volunteers who want to keep this small neighborhood a great place to live and work!)

If you would like to nominate one of your neighbors for this award, please forward their name and a short paragraph about why you think they should be the 2016 Neighbor of the Year for Allegheny West. All nominations should be submitted via email to All recommendations will be forwarded to the Nominating Committee of AWCC and a formal nomination will be made to the full membership at the May membership meeting.

Each year one award is also given to a non-profit service provider on the North Side. If you would like to nominate a non-profit service provider from our neighborhood, please submit your recommendation via email and include the name of the organization, contact info and brief description of why this non-profit should be considered. One nomination will be put forth from Allegheny West at the April Northside Leadership Conference monthly meeting; service providers from across the North Side are nominated by their individual neighborhoods and one award is given.