Date: Thursday, June 22, 2017
Location: Alloy 26, Nova Place
Time: 6:00 pm – Sign In, 6:30 pm – Presentation
The City of Pittsburgh, in partnership with the PA Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration and the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission, and in cooperation with One Northside and the Walk/Ride Northside, a committee of the Northside Leadership Conference, will conduct a preliminary public meeting for Allegheny Circle two way conversion in the Allegheny Center Neighborhood.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the conceptual plans for the project which is set for a May 2018 construction start.
The project team will be present at the public meeting to answer any questions and present the conceptual plans. The meeting location is accessible to persons having disabilities. Anyone who needs additional information has special needs, or requires special aids should contact:
Emily Jo Gaspich, P.E., Project Manager, City of Pittsburgh, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Transportation and Engineering at (412) 255-2472 or