We’re Halfway There
There’s still time to lead a $1,000 Neighbor-to-Neighbor project.
We’ve set a goal to support 50 Neighbor-to-Neighbor projects this year and we’re just about halfway there. What will you do with your Neighbor-to-Neighbor grant?
Want to host a community clean up or neighborhood gathering? Have a big idea that you want to test out? Neighbor-to-Neighbor $1,000 grants support small projects on the Northside – and we’re accepting applications through August 5th.
Anyone that lives or works on the Northside is eligible to apply for a Neighbor-to-Neighbor Grant from The Sprout Fund and use $1,000 to make the Northside the place to live, work and learn.
[ebor_button url=”http://www.sproutfund.org/one-northside-program/apply/neighbor-to-neighbor/” style=”river” target=”_self”] Start Your Neighbor-to-Neighbor Grant Application [/ebor_button]
Manchester Growing Together Garden
Documentary Screening on Tuesday, August 2nd.
Manchester Growing Together Garden is celebrated as a model of environmental stewardship, juvenile justice remediation and community service involvement.
Learn more and meet project leader Lisa Freement at a free screening of the documentary Manchester Growing Together at City of Asylym on Tuesday, August 2nd from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
RSVP to Attend this Free Screening
[ebor_button style=”pumpkin” url=”http://www.sproutfund.org/one-northside-program/”] Learn More About Sprout’s Support for One Northside [/ebor_button]