Submitted by Mary Callison

Plans are underway for planting trees in our neighborhood this Fall.  We will be working with Tree Vitalize and the City Forester Lisa Ceoffe on this project. In 2016, a Neighborhood Rejuvenation Plan was developed by Pashek Associates in response to issues voiced by the neighborhood. One concern voiced was the condition of our trees. I am using the section on trees in this report as a guide for this project.   

Neighbors have volunteered to help contact property owners to explain the plan and ask them to fill out the application for a tree in front of their property. If you would like to help with this part of the project or later in the Fall with the planting, contact me at (412) 323-5951 or email The deadline for submitting a request for the 2020 Fall Planting is March 13th at 4:00 pm.

It’s not too late to sign up for the Tree Tender Training on February 22nd, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Contact or call (412) 781-8733 x 204. You need to pre-register for the class. Call me if you have difficulty registering.