There will be NO AWCC MEMBERSHIP MEETING ON TUESDAY JULY 10. In the summer – and if there are no pressing business matters to discuss – we sometimes opt to take the second Tuesday of the month off. And that’s just what we’ve done this month – a little break while things are slow and the weather’s nice. The various AWCC Committees will continue to meet on their regular schedules, only the monthly Membership Meeting will be absent from the calendar. So instead of getting together with your neighbors for a Civic Council meeting on Tuesday evening, perhaps you can consider another form of traditional Allegheny West socializing: the friendly neighborhood stroll!
For those who are new to this, a brief primer:
Whether it’s for a few minutes or a few hours, get out of the house and see what the rest of your neighbors are up to. For a while, you may choose to sit on your stoop or porch with a cool drink, chatting with the folks who pass by. And for a while, you can become one of the passersby as you explore your own street as well as those that you visit less frequently. The most important part of all this strolling begins with a single word: “Hello.”
To long-time friends and complete strangers, whether spoken from the porch to a stroller passing by, or from the sidewalk to a stoop-sitter … don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation. In fact, the less that you know the person you’re speaking with, the more rewarding this evening journey will become.
Tuesday will be the perfect evening to get out, have some fun and meet more of your neighbors. It’s so much easier than in mid-January!
John DeSantis
President, AWCC