It’s hard to believe this is the last President’s message that I’ll be writing (I’m sure that newsletter editors, if no one else, are relieved since I’m notoriously late! Ed. note: Yes.). This will be short but sweet.

Congratulations to our new Board members! (We’re working on a nomination for the Ways and Means for Tuesday’s meeting so please attend so that we have quorum.) Please show them the same wonderful amount of support and engagement that made my two years as President just a pleasure and Allegheny West such an incredible place to live and work.

Cathy Serventi
President, AWCC

President: ​John DeSantis
Ways and Means Committee: Vacant
Vice President: ​Ann Gilligan
Membership Committee: ​Scott Mosser
Treasurer: ​Dan Adam
Communications Committee:​ Sara Sweeney
Recording Secretary:​ Michael Shealey
Housing and Planning Committee: ​Timothy Zinn
Sergeant-at-Arms​: Fran Barbush
Friends of Allegheny West:​ Trish Burton
Property Committee: ​Elaine Stone
Ex Officio, Past President:​ Cathy Serventi