As summer comes to an end the days might be getting shorter but the Allegheny West Civic Council agenda is getting longer. Below is a summary of some of the items on the agenda for the September 10th Membership meeting:
- The National Aviary is planning to convert their current tent to a permanent structure to hold events. The architects and project team representatives will be joining us to share plans and hear feedback.
- City of Play is planning the inaugural Pittsburgh FireWalk – a series of two Saturday evening, public celebrations in Allegheny Commons. An array of fires will be carefully tended with talented performers, local storytellers, and street vendors of food, drink, and art.
- A $13,000 Block Grant was recently awarded to Allegheny West. Diane Caruso, Friends of Allegheny West Committee Chair, is coordinating the effort to identify projects to fund through this grant.
- Victorian Christmas Tour Planning is underway. The tour will be held December 13th and 14th. Volunteer opportunities are numerous and varied.
- The Western Avenue Neighborhood Improvement District project has been on-going for over 10 years and we have not seen significant progress in some time. A revised plan to run electrical lines behind the properties in the 800 block of Western Avenue has been drafted and property owners are being contacted to approve the new plan. An update on the status and next steps will be provided.
- Historic District Expansion discussions have been occurring at the Housing and Planning Committee meetings and an informational meeting is being organized for neighbors affected by the proposed expansion.
- An Allegheny West Civic Council By-Laws Committee is being formed to review and offer revisions to the current by laws.
As you can see from this list there is a lot of activity for our small neighborhood. All are welcome and encouraged to attend the General Membership meetings as well as the committee meetings taking place throughout each month.
Ann Giligan
President, AWCC