When earth repays with golden sheaves
The labours of the plough,
And ripening fruits and forest leaves
All brighten on the bough;
What pensive beauty autumn shows,
Before she hears the sound
Of winter rushing in, to close
The emblematic round!– William Wordsworth, Thought on the Seasons
I hope you had a great October, and that November is shaping up for you nicely, as well. We have a few important news items in Allegheny West. To wit:
- The Allegheny West Civic Council has acquired 928 and 930 Western Avenue. This is the large duplex that had fallen into disrepair over the last several years. AWCC’s plan is to sell these properties for use as single-family homes. The interiors still have a great amount of original architectural detail, and each unit is quite spacious. Please spread the word that we are looking people interested in living here in Allegheny West.
- AWCC elections will be on Tuesday, November 11, during the regular membership meeting at Calvary United Methodist Church on Beech Street. We have a very good slate of dedicated people, but are still looking to fill one of the slots. I realize that Tuesday night is half-priced wine night at Benjamin’s, but I would ask folks to please attend Tuesday’s meeting to help select next year’s officers and chairpersons. After that, drink up!
Lastly, I wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
Bob Griewahn
President, AWCC