The Fallow Deer at the Lonely House

One without looks in tonight
Through the curtain-chink
From the sheet of glistening white;
One without looks in tonight
As we sit and think
By the fender-brink.


We do not discern those eyes
Watching in the snow;
Lit by lamps of rosy dyes


We do not discern those eyes
Wondering, aglow,
Fourfooted, tiptoe


Thomas Hardy

(With thanks to Ann Gilligan, who suggested this poem despite Hardy’s not being Irish)

Why a poem about a deer this month? Because the Allegheny West Civic Council will be hosting a presentation on the playground near the iron deer statue in the West Commons. As some of you know, the playground fell into disrepair over the years. Last autumn, our city councilor, Bobby Wilson, made an inspection of the playground with Public Works personnel. They discovered that some of the equipment had become unsafe for the children, and had it removed.

Now the city is designing a new playground for the site and wants to discuss those designs in our neighborhood. So, we will be hosting a presentation by Andrea Ketzel, a Senior Project Landscape Architect with the Department of Public Works, prior to our March membership meeting. This is Allegheny West’s chance to learn how the city designs amenities like this, and to present our ideas and concerns to the designers.

Nota Bene: This presentation will take place from 6:45 pm to 7:15 pm on Tuesday, March 9. That should be enough time for Ms. Ketzel to present her ideas and get our feedback. It will be held as a Zoom video conference. We will be sending the Zoom link in an upcoming e-Newsletter.

Afterwards, at 7:30 pm, we’ll have our regularly scheduled membership meeting.  Please join us as we discuss the current issues and happenings in Allegheny West. We’ll hear from the usual guests from our elected representatives’ offices, as well as reports from some of our committee chairs. And our Sergeant-at-Arms, Colleen Storm, will delight us with her usual selection of virtual refreshments (gluten-free). I hope to see you all there.

Beware the Ides of March, but happy St. Patrick’s Day! That’s all for this month’s missive. I hope you have a great month.

Bob Griewahn
President, AWCC