Every year the Northside Leadership Conference hosts a Scholarship and Awards Dinner to celebrate students, neighborhoods and lifetime volunteers. Each Northside neighborhood selects a “Neighbor of the Year” and this year’s Allegheny West Neighbor of the Year is Holly Pultz. There is an article in this issue of the Gazette that highlights the many reasons Holly is receiving the award and when you read it, I think you’ll agree that it is much deserved.
Holly joins an impressive group of Allegheny West Neighbors of the Year, many who continue to contribute their time and talents. Last years honorees, Greg Coll and Doris Short, had a busy May with the opening of the Allegheny West Historic Timeline Exhibition, as well as Greg’s efforts as the Membership Committee Chairperson in pulling off another stellar Memorial Day Picnic. Dr. Daniel Strinkowski, 2017 Neighbor of the Year, still works relentlessly to keep litter off the streets of Allegheny West. Another Neighbor of the Year alum, Trish Burton, serves as Communications Chairperson and volunteers her time to make sure we’re all informed of community activities and announcements.
The journey to becoming a future Neighbor of the Year starts with a single step. I encourage everyone reading this to join one of the committees that do the legwork for Allegheny West Civic Council business. Below are some very active committees always looking for new members. Chairperson contact information is included. If you need some help finding the right volunteer opportunity, please reach out to me at President@AlleghenyWest.org.
- Housing and Planning Committee works on matters related to the physical planning and housing conditions in Allegheny West. Some topics on the H&P agenda are: Western Avenue Neighborhood Improvement District, Allegheny West Historic District expansion, Norfolk Southern Railroad double stacked train project and Code Enforcement concerns. The committee meets every 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm at 806 Western Avenue. All are welcome to attend.
Chairperson: Ashley Webb (housing-planning@alleghenywest.org) - Ways and Means Committee is responsible for all fundraising activities of the Council. Upcoming tours are Wine and Garden Tour (June 21st-22nd), Alleys, Axles and Ales (Date TBD) and the Victorian Christmas Tour (December 6th-7th).
Chairperson: Annette Trunzo (ways-means@alleghenywest.org) - Finance Committee works with the Treasurer to manage the Allegheny West Civic Council Budget – including managing assets, liabilities, revenues, and debts. The Finance Committee is looking for new members with accounting and/or financial management experience.
Treasurer: Cathy Serventi (treasurer@alleghenywest.org)
Ann Gilligan
President, AWCC