“Each person must live their life as a model for others.”
– Rosa Parks
AWCC’s inaugural General Membership Informational meeting in June was a big success over 25 neighbors joined and heard presentations from the City of Pittsburgh Mayor’s Office, the City of Pittsburgh Department of Infrastructure and Mobility, our own Cathy Serventi, AWCC Treasurer and our own John DeSantis, Northside Leadership Conference Bridge Committee.
The July 14th General Membership Informational meeting will also take place via Zoom and has another packed agenda: COVID-19 impact on AWCC Budget, Norfolk Southern Update/Bridge demolition, Allegheny Commons Park Update.
There is so much happening all over the area/country/world, maybe an hour or so of neighborhood-focused news will offer a nice distraction. You can find the Zoom meeting details on the next page. I hope to see you there!
One of the most significant discussions occurring right now at our dinner tables, Zoom meetings, social media platforms and almost every other place where people gather is the Black Lives Matter movement. I’d like to take an opportunity to highlight two recent, local items.
One is a statement from the Northside Leadership Conference that begins: “Racial discrimination is immoral. Four simple words. The frustration of black residents is real and sadly justified because some people cannot recognize and honor the truth of those four words.”
AWCC is a NLSC member, has representation on the Executive Committee and stands in support of the statement, which you can read in its entirety here.
Second is the historic legislation passed unanimously on July 7th by Pittsburgh City Council that commits that “Black Pittsburgh Matters.” Pittsburgh is the first city in the nation to officially state that their Black Citizens and the Black communities they live in matter.
These are difficult times in general let alone to answer Rosa Parks’ call to live our lives as a model for others. It seems it’s most essential now.
Black Lives Matter.
Ann Gilligan
President, AWCC