Contact: Bob Griewahn |
Greetings from a December morning, as I write this. December brings colder weather and shorter days, so enjoy the long evenings in your cozy home (or the home of a friend). I hope you were able to make it to the Allegheny West Christmas Tree Lighting event at the beginning of the month. We had a lovely time, and the tree looked beautiful. Actually, it still does, and if you missed the lighting, you can still admire the tree at the northeast corner of Western and Galveston Avenues.
Although the tree looks magical, it didn’t get there purely by magic. Many thanks are in order for the volunteers who made it happen. First and foremost, thanks go to Sally Graubarth who coordinated the tree raising and decorating. She also rolled the tree base (an electrical cable spool from Graybar Electric on N. Lincoln Avenue) down Galveston. What a sight that must have been.
She had some elves to help, in setting up the tree and decorating it. Aaron, Trish, Nonie, Carol, Mary, Holly, and Penny were all out there hanging lights and ornaments when I stopped by to “supervise”. And, I’m sure there were others who lent a hand as well.
Thank you to all the volunteers.
A very special thank you, also, goes to John DeSantis, who allowed us to use his property, and his electricity, for the tree.
The lighting ceremony was well-attended, and several folks brought refreshments for the assembly. I can attest that all of the cookies were delicious, since I felt it necessary to try (at least) one of each variety.
The tree will be up for several more weeks, I believe. So, again, if you haven’t yet seen it, please head down to Western Avenue for a look. I recommend going at dusk or in the evening, if possible, but the tree looks wonderful at any time.
In more mundane matters, we’ll have the final AWCC membership meeting of 2021 on Tuesday, December 14 at 7:30 pm. This will be a virtual meeting using Zoom. You’ll find the agenda and Zoom link elsewhere in this copy of the Gazette.
That wraps up my December message. I wish you all a safe and merry holiday season!
Bob Griewahn
AWCC president