Life is divided into three terms – that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present, to live better in the future. 

– William Wordsworth

This is my final President’s Message to you, as my term ends this month. The Allegheny West Civic Council has accomplished a great deal in the last two years, largely due to the folks who sit on its executive committee. Among other things, we’ve completed the sale of the McIntosh Row properties, fought a few battles in front of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, helped beautify the neighborhood, and provided several social activities for our members. I want to thank everyone who has lent a hand during the past two years, from those who volunteer on the house tours to those who bring potluck dishes to the summer block parties. But, my special thanks go to the people who have stepped up to the plate and helped out on AWCC committee work. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

I now leave you in the very capable hands of Cathy Serventi. Cathy has already done a great deal for the Civic Council, from her hard work modernizing the production of both the Christmas and summer house tours, to serving as AWCC treasurer for the past two years. She brings intelligence, humor, energy, and a fresh perspective to the position, and the neighborhood will be all the better for it. Good luck, Cathy!

I’ll see you all around the neighborhood. Have a great holiday season, everyone.

Bob Griewahn
President, AWCC