Tuesday, April 14, 2015
6:00 pm — 7:30 pm
When one ponders the historical industrial might of Western Pennsylvania, our thoughts often turn to the image of the flaming furnaces of the Monongahela Valley. Yet, in many respects, the Allegheny valley was Pittsburgh’s original valley of industry. In this lecture, we explore, the history of the railroad, through a photographic journey, noting the important strides made by the metals, oil, and manufacturing enterprises historically located in the Allegheny Valley during its era of growth.
About the presenter: Ken Kobus, a retired third-generation steelworker with almost 45 years of service in mostly local mills, is the author of three books and several articles on the Pennsylvania Railroad in Pittsburgh, and the region’s steel industry. He has made numerous presentations about railroads and his photos have been donated to the University of Pittsburgh’s Archive Service Center, a sampling of which can be viewed on the Historic Pittsburgh website. A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh (Mechanical Engineering), he is a longtime member of PHLF.
Landmarks Preservation Resource Center
744 Rebecca Avenue
Wilkinsburg, PA 15221
This workshop is free to PHLF Members. Click here for more information about PHLF membership and please join! Non-members: $5
RSVPs are appreciated. Contact:
[ebor_button url=”tel:4124715808″ style=”pumpkin” target=”_self”] Mary Lu Denny – (412) 471-5808 x 527 [/ebor_button]