Hope this message finds everyone doing well. The City would like input on changes to the Residential Permit Parking (RPP) Program. Please share this email with your residents, businesses, and community stakeholders.
The Residential Permit Parking Program is designed to give residents in designated areas a better chance to park near their homes. Currently, the Department of City Planning is responsible for creating and expanding new areas for this program, but the City of Pittsburgh is in the process of transferring this process to the Pittsburgh Parking Authority, who already manages permits and enforcement in RPP Areas.
The transfer of this process provides us with an opportunity. Since this change requires a change to the City Code, the City is interested in hearing from residents about any changes to the program they want to see. This will allow the city to make all potential Code changes at the same time. So, this is where you come in: We want to hear from you.
We have created a survey that will be available to residents until April 25, 2021. This survey covers designation of new districts, fees, permits for residents and visitors, and allows for any other feedback you would like to give about this program. Click Here to take the survey now. You can also take the survey over the phone. Just dial 3-1-1 and ask the operator to walk you through it.
Your feedback is important to us. We want to ensure that this program is effective for you and all the residents of Pittsburgh living in RPP areas. For more information about this project, visit https://engage.pittsburghpa.gov/rpp-program-updates
Stephanie Joy Everett
Senior Planner | Strategic Planning
City of Pittsburgh | Department of City Planning
200 Ross St, 4th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219