Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Principal Harpist Gretchen Van Hoesen joins the Renaissance City Winds on Saturday, November 30th at 8:00 pm as they return to Allegheny West for their annual performance in the ballroom at Holmes Hall on Brighton Road.

This year’s concert features Gretchen Van Hoesen and the Winds in a particularly beautiful musical program. The harp will be featured in French music of Ravel and Berlioz, an exotic Russian work, a delightful Christmas setting by the late Pittsburgh composer Roland Leich, and a pleasant selection of holiday favorites.

Included in the ticket price is a post-concert reception with the musicians and a tour of the private Toy Train Museum on the upper floors of Holmes Hall, the world’s largest collection of antique American toy trains, featured nationally last holiday season on NBC’s Today Show.

Founded in 1975 and based at Carlow University, the Renaissance City Winds have been performing annually at Holmes Hall in Allegheny West for over a decade. Their performances and recordings have garnered accolades and awards throughout the country.

Tickets: Adults $20, Seniors $15, Students $10

Advance reservations are strongly recommended, as seating is limited. Tickets for the November 30th concert can be purchased at rcwinds.org