Charge into Summer with Healthy Kids Day® and the Allegheny YMCA!
Saturday, April 29th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Allegheny Commons Park
W North Avenue and Palo Alto Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Join us for a fun filled day in the sun complete with 2 bounce houses, photo booth, Fire dog and police dog demos, Family Zumba and Yoga, face painting, science experiments and more! Open to the public.
Summer is the time for kids to get up, get out and grow. But for some kids, exposure to activities that stimulate the body and mind ends with the school year. In fact, research shows that kids are prone to gain weight and fall behind in studies. On April 29th, the Y will celebrate Healthy Kids Day®, our national initiative to improve the health and well-being of kids.
[ebor_button style=”sunflower” url=””] Learn More About Healthy Kids Day [/ebor_button]