Sourced from the Department of Public Safety – City of Pittsburgh
For many, Halloween is a festive night celebrated by both children and adults. Halloween is also the night when the time honored tradition of trick-or-treating takes place.
This year the City of Pittsburgh’s official trick-or-treating hours are from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on Friday, October 31, 2014.
In addition to trick-or-treating, many community groups and churches throughout the City host Halloween parties, parades and other events as alternatives to trick-or-treating. To connect interested residents with neighborhood events, the Department of Public Safety’s SaferTogether initiative has created an easy, user-friendly way for community and church groups to register their Halloween festivities online.
For more information, or to request a free activity book, please contact Liz Style or John Tokarski:
[ebor_button style=”pumpkin” url=”tel:4122558977″] (412) 255-8977 [/ebor_button] [ebor_button style=”pumpkin” url=””] [/ebor_button] [ebor_button style=”pumpkin” url=””] [/ebor_button]
With your help, we can make Halloween a safe and enjoyable event for all residents of Pittsburgh.