
1994 Revision

The standing committees of the Council are Housing and Planning, Membership, Property, Ways and Means, and Friends of Allegheny West.

  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Council and the standing committee chairmen. The President of the previous year’s term of office shall be a non voting member of the committee in an advisory capacity. This committee shall meet at least once a month.
  2. The Housing and Planning Committee shall be responsible for the physical planning and housing conditions in Allegheny West. It should be as representative as possible of residential, business, and institutional sectors of the neighborhood.
  3. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for adding new members to the roll and for maintaining present membership. It is also responsible for maintaining contact with all residents of Allegheny West, both members and non-members of Civic Council, to keep them informed of neighborhood and Council activities.The Membership Committee will be responsible for the monthly publication of the Allegheny West Gazette which will be distributed throughout Allegheny West.
  4. The Property Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the operation of all Council owned properties. All property managers, volunteer or paid, shall report on a timely basis to this committee. The Treasurer of the Council and the Chairman of the Housing and Planning committee shall be ex-officio members of this committee. No member of the Property Committee may have any financial interest in any property owned or managed by the Council. The Chairman of the Property Committee will NOT be authorized to disburse funds from any council Account.
  5. The Ways and Means Committee shall be responsible for all fund raising activities of the Council.
  6. The Friends of Allegheny West Committee shall be concerned with bringing to the council support and services from individuals, from both within and outside of Allegheny West, who are concerned with the human and physical development within the neighborhood.
  7. Standing committee chairmen shall select from between two and ten members for their committees within 45 days following their election. No member of the Council may chair more than one standing committee at a time. No officer may chair any standing committee.
  8. Additional committees, as needed to carry out the business of the Council, may be appointed by the President. Committees as appointed shall be approved by the Executive Committee. Appointed committee chairmen are not members of the Executive Committee, but may be asked to attend Executive Committee meetings at the discretion of the President.

1984 Original

The standing committees of the Council are Housing and Planning, Membership, Ways and Means, and Friends of Allegheny West. 

  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Council and the standing committee chairmen. The President of the previous year’s term of office shall be a non voting member of the committee in an advisory capacity. This committee shall meet at least once a month.
  2. The Housing and Planning Committee shall be responsible for the physical planning and housing conditions in Allegheny West. It should be as representative as possible of residential, business, and institutional sectors of the neighborhood.
  3. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for adding new members to the roll and for maintaining present membership. It is also responsible for maintaining contact with all residents of Allegheny West, both members and non-members of Civic Council, to keep them informed of neighborhood and Council activities.The Membership Committee will be responsible for the monthly publication of the Allegheny West Gazette which will be distributed throughout Allegheny West.
  4. The Ways and Means Committee shall be responsible for all fund raising activities of the Council.
  5. The Friends of Allegheny West Committee shall be concerned with bringing to the council support and services from individuals, from both within and outside of Allegheny West, who are concerned with the human and physical development within the neighborhood.
  6. Standing committee chairmen shall select from between two and ten members for their committees within 45 days following their election. No member of the Council may chair more than one standing committee at a time. No officer may chair any standing committee.