

Part of the CSA Performance Series
December 12 | 8PM

Northsiders, you are invited to Jennifer Myers’ TRANSLATIONS at the New Hazlett Theater. Thanks to the generous support of the Buhl Foundation, Northside residents get in free.

From Bridges and Parks to the Stage

A one-hour performance in six acts that translates performances from Pittsburgh Performance Actions for the stage at the New Hazlett Theater, as part of their 2014-2015 CSA Performance Series.

The cast includes: Mimi Jong as The Musician; Jil Stifle and Jasmine Hearn as The Extinction; Joanna Reed as The Slow Activist; Gia Cacalano as The Woman Dancing; Christina Lee as The Artist; Tessa Barber as The Singer; Oreen Cohen as Witness #1; Anqwenique Wingfield as Witness #2; Scott Andrew as The Unreliable Narrator and Translator; Ji young Nam as The Last One Standing; Kylan Bjornson as The Child; Ricardo Iamuuri as The Weather.

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[ebor_button style=”nephritis” url=”″] December 12 [/ebor_button]