Thursday, March 16, 2015
6:00 pm — 8:00 pm
Join us for a screening of the American Experience documentary of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, which chronicles the life and work of Rachel Carson, a biologist for the federal government whose research into unregulated use of pesticides and herbicides, sparked a warning that helped awaken the consciousness of the modern environmental movement.
A short presentation and a question-and-answer session by representatives of the Rachel Carson Homestead Association will follow the film screening. PHLF played an active role in saving and preserving Rachel Carson’s birthplace in Springdale, Pennsylvania.
Landmarks Preservation Resource Center
744 Rebecca Avenue
Wilkinsburg, PA 15221
This workshop is free to PHLF Members. Click here for more information about PHLF membership and please join! Non-members: $5
RSVPs are appreciated. Contact:
[ebor_button url=”tel:4124715808″ style=”pumpkin” target=”_self”] Mary Lu Denny – (412) 471-5808 x 527 [/ebor_button]