Thursday, March 12, 2015
6:00 pm — 8:00 pm
Every house owner knows that there comes a point when a house, regardless of it condition, will need repairs and other improvements. The ability to complete even the smallest home improvement begins with a basic foundation of skills with hand tools and power tools. In this workshop, you will learn how to use the most common hand tools and power tools of the trade to complete basic home improvements and repairs.
About the presenter: Michael R. Wetmiller is a Pennsylvania Registered Home Improvement Contractor specializing in interior renovation. He grew up in a family of tradesmen and attended a four-year carpenter’s apprenticeship training program. He became a Journeyman Carpenter in 1999. Michael has worked in both commercial and residential construction in all phases from foundations to finish carpentry.
Landmarks Preservation Resource Center
744 Rebecca Avenue
Wilkinsburg, PA 15221
This workshop is free to PHLF Members. Click here for more information about PHLF membership and please join! Non-members: $5
RSVPs are appreciated. Contact:
[ebor_button url=”tel:4124715808″ style=”pumpkin” target=”_self”] Mary Lu Denny – (412) 471-5808 x 527 [/ebor_button]