Thank you for your cooperation. The streets are only closed for 1¼ days, and allow tour visitors to safely move through the neighborhood.
Residents of the 800 and 900 blocks of Beech Avenue; the 800 block of North Lincoln; and Galveston from Buttercup Way to Dounton Way, and from Maolis Way to North Lincoln.
The above streets will be closed to traffic and parking on Friday, December 11th, from 4:00 pm until 11:00 pm, and on Saturday, December 12th, from 9:00 am until 11:00 pm for the 2015 Christmas Tour. This is done to protect the safety of all of us. Pedestrians will be walking on the streets during these times.
If you park on these streets, please find an off-street spot for parking during the tour. The following lots will be available:
- The Babb Lot on the corner of North Lincoln and Galveston – enter from Chapel Way (must exit by midnight, Saturday, December 12th)
- The CCAC Lot on Ridge Avenue across from the Fort Duquesne Bridge ramp
- The Smart Solutions lot on the 800 block of West North