Winter Bowling Begins this Wednesday!

Winter bowling for all interested Allegheny West neighbors, friends, and guests begins Wednesday, January 8 between 7:00 and 7:30 pm and will continue through the end of April. This is not a league, just a weekly gathering for those who can attend.   The bowling lanes...

NEIGHBORHOOD Wine Tasting with Refucilo Winery

When you think of Allegheny West, I bet the first thing that comes to your mind isn’t snow capped mountains of the Andes, but  do you know what they have in common? Juan Lora, owner of Refucilo Winery, and the Malbec and Torrontes grapes thriving on his 5-acre...

A Special Offer to a Pittsburgh Premiere Musical

We’re offering our Northside neighbors a discount to Front Porch Theatrical’s Bandstand! Living or working in the Northside gives you a special offer for art created in your neighborhood.  Bandstand August 16-25 This Pittsburgh Premiere of an original new...