Board members will be voted on in November. To vote for board members, or any other issue at a council meeting, members are required to be “in good standing.” Per the Allegheny West Civic Council bylaws, a member in good standing is a person or organization who has paid dues for the year and belongs either as an individual or group. (View the Bylaws)
The nominating committee is proposing the following slate of officers for 2017
President: John DeSantis
Vice President: Ann Giligan
Treasurer: Dan Adam
Recording Secretary: Michael Shealey
Sergeant-at-Arms: Fran Barbush
Property Committee:
Ways and Means Committee:
Membership Committee: Scott Mosser
Communications Committee: Sara Sweeney
Housing and Planning Committee: Timothy Zinn
Friends of Allegheny West: Trish Burton
The slate will be proposed at the October general membership meeting at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. If you intend to vote please make sure you’re in good standing and have paid your dues. If you’re unsure feel free to send an email to