Submitted by Trish Burton
I’d like to extend thanks to the following people who have made our neighborhood a little bit prettier, cleaner and greener in a year when we needed all that and more.
Business District Basket Sponsors: Allegheny Sandwich, AWCC, Ethelyn Daniel, Elsen Associates, Gilligan Sorbet, Keane George/Allegheny Realty, Giorgio’s Place, Sally Graubarth, Bob Griewahn, Martha Helmreich, Nonie & Bob Knaus, Pat, Bob, & Sarah Mistick, Modern Cafe, Gary & Bonnie Otto, Pittsburgh Home & Garden, Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Q Development, Refucilo Winery, John & Carole Robert, Dr. Dan Strinkoski, Eileen & Bill Swazuk, Ashley Webb, Katie & Zoufalik, and the Burton Family
Parklet Gardeners: Thanks to the group that has helped to clean, shop, plant, weed, water… and pull it all out and bag it until next season: Holly Pultz, Sally Graubarth, Carole Malakoff, Nonie Knaus, Katie Zoufalik, Diane & Tony Caruso, and Emilio Leonardo.
Litter Picker-Uppers: We no longer need to have “clean up days” because of the weekly, under-the-radar efforts of Dr Dan Strinkoski and Sue and Frank Remcheck, who use leaf blowers and grabbers to keep our streets and sidewalks tidy!
Plant Donors: Thanks again to Casey O’Connor and Rubab Jafry for (again) donating many hostas so that more tree wells on Western Avenue are planted and the Parklet grouping continues to expand! Thanks also to John Burton for donating several shrubs to fill in some gaps in the Parklet.
. . . and, last but not least, thanks to residents like Tim Zinn and Mike Douglas, Tom and Mary Ann Cola, T. Rankin/State Farm, and The Bloom Brigade who plant and tend lovely tree well gardens along Western . . . and all who plant window boxes and urns throughout AW!
The Greenspace/Friends of Allegheny West Committee looks forward to continuing this work in 2021. Please let us know if you’d like to be a part of the group!