Submitted by Ritsu Shimizu
Being already well established and reputed for his business and cultural contribution to the larger Pittsburgh community, Mr. John DeSantis may not be in need of any additional favorable recognition. I will, however, point out one more aspect of an improvement he has undertaken in Allegheny West since no one has expressed this point.
How many of you remember the old gas station at the corner of the Galveston and Western Avenue? Mr. Tom Fry, my deceased partner of 30 years, used to loathe that greasy business front – Tom even used a word, “an eye sore.”
John purchased this site and Lo and behold…the building was transformed as an office with a residential look, surrounded by a spacious flower garden. Recently a very impressive ornamental black iron fence was added on the top of the granite foundation. Whenever passing by this corner, my heart calls for him. “Look at this corner, Tom.”