If you’d like to recognize a neighbor who went above-and-beyond for you or the neighborhood this month please send a note to president@alleghenywest.org, or give Cathy a call at (412) 418-2027 and we’ll make sure they’re recognized in the Gazette.

Lots of folks to thank this month, so in no particular order, and inevitably incomplete – I KNOW I’m forgetting someone…

Gloria – for driving all over town so that the two of us and a Notary could be in the same room at the same time. Kevin – for doing the paperwork to close off Beech Avenue on Halloween so it’s safe for the munchkins. Michael – for negotiating with a ton of people so that the movie folks could make the Stables building “look awesome”. Ethan – (from Showclix) who helped set up the Tour ticket sales so that people can tell how many tickets are available for each time. Fran – who magically got PWSA to stop billing us for a waterline that is apparently in the middle of Allegheny Commons (I can’t tell you how impressed by this I am – we even have a credit.) Gloria – (again!) for lugging all the picnic stuff downstairs and reorganizing the office basement and backroom. Mary – for making amazing warm cinnamon bread for the monthly clean-up (I’m not sure I want any more people showing up for the clean-up – BEST SNACKS EVER – and I got to take some home. Yeah – that was a joke – come to the clean ups. The next one is 10/31 so we can clean stuff up for the Trick-or-Treaters). Anne and Jon, and our long suffering insurance inspector – for making sure our AWCC/AWDC properties are inspected and therefore insured. John and Bob – for walking me through the apparently endless and endlessly conflicting zoning codes. And for all the folks who stepped up and pitched in setting up and breaking down the summer picnics. I really need to keep better notes…I KNOW I’m forgetting lots of folks and it’s driving me crazy.