Submitted by Cathy Serventi

Thank you to the kind person who moved all the bags of trash and garden compost from the April clean-ups out to the curb on leaf and debris pick-up day. Ann, Michael and I all thought one of us had done it!

I’d also like to recognize Christa Ross, our realtor for the Stables, Matthew Fiscus our attorney and Jon Huck our project manager from the Northside Leadership Conference. After 10 years there were still some last minute scrambles to get our ducks all in a row for the sale but we did it! Special thanks to all the various Board members, LRC members and volunteers throughout the decade we owned the Stables for having a vision and taking action so that that beautiful building, so rich with history could be preserved.

If you’d like to recognize a neighbor who went above-and-beyond for you or the neighborhood this month please send a note to or give Cathy at call at (412) 418-2027 and, space allowing, we’ll recognize them in the Gazette.