If you’d like to recognize a neighbor who went above-and-beyond for you or the neighborhood this month please send a note to president@alleghenywest.org or give Cathy a call at (412) 418-2027 and we’ll make sure they’re recognized in the Gazette.
First up: thank you to the neighbors who have taken the time to let the police know about suspicious activity or to call in 311 reports- even if the City can’t take action right away, reporting issues means that more resources can be allocated down the road. (For obvious reasons, I’m jut going to leave individual names out of it. 🙂 )
Thanks to the efforts of current Property chair, Ann and previous chair Howard, much needed repairs to 806 Western’s gutters have finally been completed. Special shout-out to Eleanor who not only had corbels made to match the current ones, but she personally painted them too. (Before they were installed – not while they were on the roof.)
When you see the flower baskets on Western Ave and they make you smile (or sneeze!), give an extra smile to Trish and Holly have again stepped up to wrangle the flower baskets for Western Ave.
Not only are Karen and Nick now holding informal office hours at 806 Western, they did an amazing job of sprucing up the place.