PHLF 2017 Banner

Location: Landmarks Preservation Resource Center, 744 Rebecca Avenue
Date: Thursday, March 15th
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Contact: or (412) 471-5808 ext. 527

“O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” — Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792-1822

As the short days of Winter get slightly longer, day-by-day, and days of highly fluctuating temperatures give way to Spring, now is the time to take a look around the house and consider some of the maintenance and other home improvement items you might have on your list.

About the Presenter: Regis Will is a woodworker, craftsman, and owner of Vesta Home Services, a consulting firm on house restoration and Do-it-Yourself projects. He blogs about his work at The New Yinzer Workshop.

All events are free to PHLF members. Non-members: $10 RSVPs are appreciated: or (412) 471-5808 ext. 527

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