News Around the Neighborhood

Plant Sale

Calvary United Women in Faith are holding their Spring Plant Sale. The order window closes April 18 and pick up dates are May 22 and 23 at Calvary United Methodist Church. Learn more, and find the product list + order form, on Calvary’s website at

Spring Show at galleryh

It’s spring and the flowers are in bloom; come take a look. 
It’s the annual AprilShower-MayFlower show at galleryh. 
Wednesday April 2 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, 909 Western Ave

Street Sweeping Resumes

City of Pittsburgh street sweeping resumes on April 1st. Check street signs when parking your car to avoid a ticket or a tow. 
Neighbors have suggested setting a recurring calendar item or alarm on your cell phone to remind yourself when to move your vehicle.

One Night Only Event at Gallery H

Submitted by Karl Huber

Hello Friends and Neighbors.

We wanted to let you all know that we will be having a grand Spring opening in April. In the meantime, please come by 909 Western Ave on Wednesday, March 12 from 5:00-7:00 pm for a bit of fresh air and some more art. One night only, so stop in and take a look.

And stay tuned for more news and if you like what you see, please leave a review. Cheers!!

Winter Bowling Begins this Wednesday!

Winter Bowling Image

Winter bowling for all interested Allegheny West neighbors, friends, and guests begins Wednesday, January 8 between 7:00 and 7:30 pm and will continue through the end of April. This is not a league, just a weekly gathering for those who can attend.  

The bowling lanes are located at the Allegheny Elks Lodge, 400 Cedar Avenue, second floor. Please press the doorbell next to the front door; when the red button lights, open the door and come upstairs.  

The Pittsburgh Banjo Club will be playing on the first floor from 8:00 to 11:00 pm, and the kitchen will be open for sandwiches and snacks. We look forward to seeing you there!

Tour Updates

As we welcome our 1,800 visitors to the neighborhood this weekend, be aware that some streets will be closed to traffic:

Street Closures

Beech Avenue            800 and 900 blocks
N. Lincoln Avenue       800 block

Friday, December 6th, 4:00-10:00 pm
Saturday, December 7th, 9:00 am-10:00 pm

Move your car (please!)

In addition, we ask that all cars be moved from those blocks from Friday afternoon through Saturday evening, for the safety of tour guests and guides and to enhance the ambience of the experience.

Alternate Parking

Babb Insurance is once again graciously allowing residents to use its lower parking lot at the corner of Galveston and N. Lincoln Avenues.  Thank you, Babb!

Note that  all cars MUST BE MOVED FROM BABB no later than Sunday morning at 10:00am, in order to accommodate Babb’s Steeler fans for the game on Sunday. Please be considerate of this request!

More updates may follow.

Renew Your Civic Council Membership Today!

If you pay your dues annually or are a new member now is a good time to pay your AWCC membership dues for 2025!

Annual Membership: $5
Lifetime Membership: $50

You can find out about the different types of membership, check your eligibility to join, and pay your dues here:

Go to the bottom of the page for the PayPal link. If you are a returning member you do not have to fill out the form. You can also pay by cash, check or PayPal/Venmo during the Membership meetings or drop off cash/check at 851 Beech Avenue. (Please include an envelope with your name/address/phone if you’re paying cash!)

Members must be current on  membership dues to be eligible to vote during Membership meetings. New members who pay before or at the December 10, 2024 meeting will be eligible to vote at the January 2025 meeting. If you are currently a member, paying your dues now will extend your membership and voting eligibility through December 2025.

Please email Cathy at to check the status of your current membership.

We’re happy to have you join us!

PHLF: Fourth Avenue Historic District Walking Tour

Fourth Avenue Historic District

Friday, October 18
10:00 am to 11:15 am

$20.00 per person

This tour is limited to 20 participants.
Tickets will not be available after 11:30 pm on October 17.

Click here to purchase a ticket.

The Fourth Avenue Historic District encompasses a remarkable variety of buildings. From a Greek Revival building of 1836, to cast-iron-front structures of the 1870s and 1880s, to a majestic quartet of early-20th-century skyscrapers, the district includes distinguished structures designed by more than a dozen eminent Pittsburgh architects.

The tour focuses on the portion of the District once known as “Pittsburgh’s Wall Street” for its concentration of buildings that served the financial and investment industries. We also will see how old buildings are being re-purposed for contemporary uses and explore PPG Place—the postmodernist “cathedral of commerce” that brings full circle the fascinating story of this narrow but mightily impressive street.

NEIGHBORHOOD Wine Tasting with Refucilo Winery

Wine Tasting (Refucilo)

When you think of Allegheny West, I bet the first thing that comes to your mind isn’t snow capped mountains of the Andes, but  do you know what they have in common?

Juan Lora, owner of Refucilo Winery, and the Malbec and Torrontes grapes thriving on his 5-acre vineyard at the base of the Andes Mountains. These varietal grapes are meticulously harvested by hand, transformed into award-winning wines, and transported to the intimate tasting room where specialists pair with tapas and suggest finishing with a unique malbec sorbet. Whether you’re looking for herbal, light and refreshing; plum, velvet and chocolate; or rich, ripe, tobacco and spice all of the wines at Refucilo are fermented dry and will leave you wanting more from this Pittsburgh/Argentinian winery.