Filming Here
Primary contact:
General Statement
The Allegheny West Civic Council (AWCC) welcomes filming in the neighborhood both as a recognition of the character of Allegheny West (AW) and as a contribution to the economy of the City. However, because of the impact of filming on area residents and businesses and the frequency of filming in the neighborhood, we expect that any production company filming in AW will adhere to the following guidelines.
1. First Contact
First contact should be as soon as there is a serious interest, or significant likelihood of interest, in the neighborhood as a location. When this occurs the production company should contact the AWCC film committee, who will in turn inform affected residents to determine if there are objections to the anticipated shoot. If there are objections, the film committee will inform the production company and the Pittsburgh Film Office.
As a part of this process, the production company should provide the AWCC film committee with a written description of details of the projected shoot, including nature and location of scenes to be shot, whether interior or exterior, anticipated hours and dates of shoot, and equipment and exterior props to be used.
2. Subsequent Contact
As soon as decision is made to use AW as a location, the production company should contact the film committee and affected residents. Depending on nature and length of shoot, production companies should plan to meet personally with affected residents and businesses.
3. Letters or Leaflets
Information letters or leaflets to area should be: (a) distributed initially at least two weeks prior to scheduled shoot dates and should be followed up with changes and reminders; (b) at a minimum area residents and businesses should be informed about nature of shoot, the schedule, anticipated street closings and the like, name of contact person(s), and a general parking plan including sites for alternate parking.
4. Location Management
The film company shall identify a location manager to be the contact person for all questions and concerns about the filming including property damage.
5. Street Closure
If streets are to be closed for filming, thus displacing on-street parking, there should be adequate signage so indicating, and alternate parking sites should be obtained. Likewise, if streets are to be closed for through-pedestrian access, there should be adequate signage at both ends of a block so indicating.
6. Crew Parking
Streets should not to be closed solely to provide parking for film crews.
7. Pedestrian Access
Restrictions on pedestrian access should be kept to a minimum, and any cut-offs should be limited to periods necessary to shoot.
8. Heavy Equipment
Heavy equipment including generators and large trucks should be kept off residential streets as much as possible and/or placed where impact on residents is minimized.
9. Hours for Filming
Filming between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am should be kept at a minimum, and all affected residents are to be notified in advance.
11. Clean Up
Clean-up following a shoot must be immediate.
12. Signage
Upon completion of filming, signage must be immediately removed.
13. Contributing to Neighborhood
The AWCC encourages each production company to include in its budget a contribution to help preserve and maintain the character of the neighborhood.
14. Code of Conduct
The Warner Brothers Code of Conduct should be adopted in writing and followed by all production companies.
15. Adoption of Code
All production companies filming in AW should acknowledge in writing that they have read and subscribe to these guidelines, as well as the Code of Conduct.