Submitted by Annette Trunzo, Ways and Means Chair

The 2019 Tour and Tasting will be held on Friday June 21st and Saturday June 22nd. The Committee is excited to share that we have several houses, but we still need a few more. If you are interested in putting your home and garden on tour, please contact Carol Gomrick:

The theme of the tour will be a vastly different from previous tours. To highlight the incredible restaurant scene in Pittsburgh, the committee is reaching out to local restaurants to provide the food “tastings” and appropriate wine pairings. Guests will not only have the opportunity to try a variety of wines, but also learn more about what is making Pittsburgh such a foodie destination! Your house could be the backdrop to this fabulous experience!

Starting in April, the committee will be asking for help to promote the tour through social media and will share available volunteer opportunities. Please continue to check the Gazette and weekly email blast for updates and information. Looking forward to another successful event!