The 2016 tour will be on Friday, December 9th from 5:00-8:00 pm and Saturday, December 10th from 10:00 am-8:00 pm. Tickets for the tour are $30 until November 30th; $35 after that date. Train museum tickets are $12; $15 after November 30th.
Volunteer Opportunities & Info
Postcard Mailing: The annual labeling of the Tour postcards is set for Monday, November 7th at 7:00 pm at Calvary. Please join us! We’ll have pizza and snacks and, with your help, we will be able to quickly put address labels on the 8,000 mailers that we send to potential tour visitors.
Ticket Sales: Tickets are available online and we have sold blocks of tours to a few groups. Expect tickets to sell at a brisk pace once our mailers are delivered.
Holiday Gift Shop: The shop will again be in the lower level of Calvary Church, so guests can shop before as well as after the Tour.
For more information about the Shop, please contact Martin Fuess.
Train Museum: The popular Toy Train Museum will, once again, be open at Holmes Hall. Visitors can visit before their tour or after they finish the tour of Holmes Hall. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door. DVDs of the train exhibit will again be for sale for $15, and a limited number of the fine train books are available for $100.
Street Decorating: We will be decorating the streets on Saturday, December 3rd, starting at 9:00 am. Volunteers will be bundling greens to create the lamppost swags in the Serventi/Wilson garage on Dounton Way. This is an easy and fun way to get into the holiday spirit – and we can finish the job quickly with about 20 volunteers.
Clean Up: Please take some time to pick up litter and leaves in front of your house the morning of each tour day (Friday and Saturday). If each of us fills just one bag, our streets will be clean!
We need your help!
There are many opportunities to volunteer. During the tour, be a greeter at Calvary, a tour guide, a house sitter for a homeowner on tour, a conductor at the train museum or be ready to help with salting or shoveling if we get snow that weekend. Or help with the volunteer party or set up the luminaria.
Contact Carrie Doyle at or (412) 337-6020 – or come to our next meeting on November 9th @ 7:00 pm – and she’ll get you to the coordinator of that activity.