DIVIDE AND DONATE: Our parklet at Brighton Road and Western Avenue is in need of more hostas (in particular, variegated varieties), in addition to some other perennials, so if you have any in your garden that need to be divided, we’ll take them off your hands! Our crew can help you to dig them up and transport to the parklet if needed.
DIVIDE AND TRANSPLANT: The “triangle garden” at Brighton Road and North Avenue is donating some of the tall grasses to our parklet. However, we need a few strong backs to accomplish this. It should only take about 30 minutes, and we can meet you whenever it’s convenient for you, so please contact either Trish Burton, (412) 523-9402 or tdburton3@gmail.com, or Diane Caruso, (724) 799-3952 or djc010961@gmail.com, if you can help.