Submitted by John DeSantis

At the November 11 Annual Meeting, the election of Officers for the 2015 calendar year will be conducted.

The 2014 AWCC Nominating Committee has proposed the following slate of candidates. In addition, nominations may be made from the floor at both the October and November General Membership Meetings. All nominees must be an AWCC Member in good standing, and must have agreed to serve in the nominated office if elected.

President: Cathy Serventi
Membership: Mary Callison
Vice President: John DeSantis
Housing & Planning: Jim Wallace
Treasurer: Bob Griewahn
Property: Howard Brokenbek

Secretary: Tim Zinn
Ways & Means: vacant
Sergeant at Arms: Gloria Rayman
Communications: Fran Barbush
Friends of Allegheny West: Michael Shealey